Votes for Women!

Votes for Women!

7M interview some suffragettes!

7M are reading Terence Rattigan's 'Winslow Boy' in class this term. It is set just before WW1 at a time when women did not have the vote, and were expected to get married and stay at home. Cadet Ronnie Winslow is expelled from the Royal Naval College accused of stealing. His father, refusing to believe his guilt and dissatisfied with how the investigation was conducted, demands a new inquiry. This is refused and Arthur Winslow, supported by his suffragette daughter Catherine, fights for his son's honour. The case is taken to the House of Commons but Arthur ruins himself financially and in health in the process in his bid to 'Let right be done'. Here, 7M have gone back in time to interview some famous Suffragettes, and to talk about their lives and motivation behind their struggle for equality.

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