The advantages of extra curricular activities

Keeping busy outside the classroom is so important

The advantages of extra curricular activities

At Cargilfield pupils have the opportunity to participate in a vast range of extra curricular activities from sport, music and drama to personal development. There are a whole range of benefits that come from involvement in these activities.

  • They can help you build skills outside of the classroom

In addition to building skills within a specific discipline, extracurricular activities are great for developing general academic and soft skills. Think debating for public speaking, academic competitions for exam strategies and sport for teamwork. Balancing a number of commitments can help to improve your time management skills, while finding an area you enjoy or excel at can boost your self-confidence.

  • They provide a productive break from regular school work

Weekly activities can offer a welcome break from studies and homework. Depending on your interests, they may provide the chance to get outside and exercise, see friends, pursue a hobby or simply destress and refresh your mind. They also help limit the time you spend in front of a TV or computer screen.

  • Open your mind to new interests

While you usually have the opportunity to pursue a wide range of study areas through core subjects, extracurricular activities allow you to explore an interest in more depth than what is covered in class — or maybe even find a completely new interest that you wouldn’t have been exposed to otherwise. They can also provide a great chance for you to broaden your perspective of the world.

Participation in sport can indicate that you have the ability to work as part of a team, the drive to reach and improve on goals and the commitment to attend regular training sessions.

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  • Social opportunities

Being part of a group or team provides a sense of belonging, with extracurricular activities offering an opportunity for you to interact with others with similar interests and potentially build friendships outside of their usual circle.

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