Learning for the 21st Century

Improving what we do, so we do it better

Learning for the 21st Century

In a dynamic (and perhaps uncertain) age, we are conscious that a Cargilfield education needs to prepare our children for the challenges that we can foresee (and for many that we cannot). This is the challenge that the Headmaster has set us in his teaching and learning blog last year:


With that in mind, our curriculum leaders (a group of teachers drawn from across the School - both in ages taught and subject specialisms) are in the process of reviewing our curriculum to best equip the next generation of learners.

The pandemic and periods of time where lessons were delivered on screens or at a distance have helped us all to reflect on what we find most effective in the curriculum. For all this, however, we have agreed on certain guiding principles that we want to see in children’s learning:

  • Balance across the Curriculum and preserving what we do well.
  • The importance of :

    a. The extra curricular offering

    b. School trips

    c. Games and sport

    d. Enterprise and life skills

    • A strong pastoral support system and PSHE/Health and Wellbeing delivery.
    • Developing a culture of growth and change amongst staff and pupils.
    • Promoting equality and celebrating cultural diversity.
    • Developing transferrable skills and cross curricular learning.
    • A strong boarding ethos at the heart of the school.
    • Forging closer links with other partners in learning.

      The challenge now is to map our curriculum to spot gaps and repetition and to make sure that the skills and knowledge will best serve our children’s needs.

      I look forward to updating you with our findings and, as we implement the proposed changes, bringing in a process of inspection and review. We are determined that the Cargilfield children are given enjoy the very best learning experience that we can give them.

      Anjali Dholakia

      Academic Deputy Head

      January 2022

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