U9B Hockey beat St Mary's, Melrose

U9B Hockey beat St Mary's, Melrose

We are improving!

The wind and rain did not stop our U9 girls to play at home against St Mary’s with a team consisting of Thandie, Isobel, Polly, Maria, Imaan and Serena. The girls were very focused and motivated. During the first quarter Isobel opened the score for Cargilfield. Thandy was zigzagging between the opponents with ease. Our two defenders Serena, and Imaan managed to get the ball away a number of times and it was even Serena who run up to St Mary’s D and scored the 3rd goal for Cargilfield in the last few minutes. The girls did not score in the second quarter and during half time they kept their positivity. All this optimism helped them score in the 3rd quarter thanks to some team effort, finalised by Polly.

Well done girls, this was a brilliant match.

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