U11A Hockey beat Craigclowan

U11A Hockey beat Craigclowan

A super team performance!

U11A Hockey v Craigclowan

4-0 Win

A fantastic start after the half-term break! The team came out strong, with Georgia scoring two quick goals to kick off the game. Their defensive setup was solid, making it tough for Craigclowan to break through. However, Craigclowan’s skillful tackling added pressure, limiting our team’s chances in the circle for the rest of the half.

In the second half, as the team’s structure began to tire, Georgia pushed herself to drive the ball up the pitch, securing her third goal and completing a birthday hat-trick! Isabelle also added a powerful goal, sealing a well-deserved 4-0 victory.

Well done to both teams, and congratulations to Emilie for being voted player of the match by Craigclowan!

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