At Cargilfield, we call it flexi-boarding, and although it may be more convenient for busy families, they choose it because they recognise the benefits for their children – who, after all, are often the ones driving this decision.
Cargilfield takes a flexi-boarding approach, offering weekly boarding (four nights per week: Monday to Thursday) as well as flexible boarding, with the option to board one, two or three nights a week. Children are invited to experience boarding with a taster night, but additional boarding nights in any given week are only available to those who have already committed to at least one night per week.
Cargilfield is proud of its boarding culture which means that the School is busy in an evening and at many weekends. Children in the Upper School are welcome to stay for supper in an evening with no charge and the vast majority that do will stay on to participate in evening clubs between 6.15 and 7.30pm.
The evening routine for boarders starts at 7.30pm and, while the choice of activities will reflect how the children are feeling that evening, this is also a time for the family to come together to review the day, enjoy an evening snack and get ready for bed.
There are also a series of boarding weekends each term. This will sometimes be open to children from a specific year group and, on other occasions, be open to all children in the Upper School.
The last night of the term is usually a treat for boarders and there will be no other evening clubs.
The Boarding team is headed by Mr Stephen and supported by the Boys’ Houseparent, Girls’ Houseparent and our 4 international gap students. To read more about the team, please click here
Get in touch if you would like to learn more about our weekly and flexible boarding by calling 0131 336 2207 or contact us here