You will find detailed information about Cargilfield on our website, but since deciding on the right school for your child is very important, we believe that a personal visit is essential and we would want you and your child to visit the School before we offer a place.
You are welcome to register your interest on the below online form or contact our Registrar, Fiona Craig, directly at 0131 336 2207 or [email protected] to arrange a visit which will include a private tour and a meeting with the Headmaster and his wife. This will enable us to spend time with you to explain the nature of Cargilfield and our admissions process and help us all arrive at the right decisions for your child.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Admission to Cargilfield primarily occurs through our Nursery programme, catering to children aged 3-5. However, we are happy to welcome children at different stages during their educational journey.
It would be unusual for us to accept a pupil into Form 8 for only one year as this would offer very limited time to prepare a child for Common Entrance or Scholarship examinations.
Our Registrar, Fiona Craig, will contact you to provide more information and she would be delighted to arrange a suitable date for a visit.