
Cargilfield Pre-Prep is based on traditional family values but provides a forward thinking, individually tailored educational experience to each girl and boy.

We believe children learn best as part of a nurturing and supportive environment where they feel happy and secure. This allows them to build self-confidence and to strive towards discovering and achieving their full potential.

Our children are encouraged to be independent thinkers, to be creative and inquisitive and to develop their interests and talents across a broad and holistic curriculum. Specialist teaching and a wide range of extracurricular activities allows them to have an in depth experience of music, the creative arts and sport.

Pupils are encouraged to understand their place in the world and the responsibilities they have. Regular opportunities are provided to experience and support the wider community and to take their learning out the classroom. Children learn to work together to develop life skills, team work, to learn from their mistakes and to understand the importance of kindness and consideration towards others.

If you would like to book a private tour of Cargilfield School please register here

Pre-Prep Handbook

Pre-Prep Handbook

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