Updated 25.9.24
Term Begins
Wednesday 28th August
Half Term
Friday 18th October at 5.30pm to Sunday 3rd November
Term Ends
Friday 13th December after the Carol Service (5.00pm)
Staff INSET: 6th, 7th January
Term Begins
Wednesday 8th January
Half Term
Friday 7th February at 5.30pm to Sunday 16th
Term Ends
Friday 21st March after the End of Term Service (5.00pm)
Friday 18th April-Monday 21st April
Staff INSET: 11th April
Term Begins
Monday 14th April
Easter Service - 4.30pm Thursday 17th April
Exeat weekend
Friday 18th April – Monday 21st April (incl)
Half Term
Friday 23rd May after Sports Day to Sunday 1st June
Common Entrance
Tuesday 3rd June to Friday 6th
Term Ends
Friday 4th July after Prize Giving (1.00pm)
Staff INSET: 22nd, 25th, 26th August
Term Begins
Wednesday 27th August
Half Term
Friday 10th October at 5.30pm to Sunday 26th
Term Ends
Friday 12th December after the Carol Service (5.00pm)
Staff INSET: 6th January
Term Begins
Wednesday 7th January
Half Term
Friday 13th February at 5.30pm to Sunday 22nd
Term Ends
Friday 20th March after the End of Term Service (5.00pm)
Friday 3rd to Monday 6th April
Staff INSET: 13th, 14th April
Term Begins
Wednesday 15th April
Half Term
Friday 22nd May after Sports Day to Sunday 31st
Common Entrance
Monday 1st – Friday 5th June
Term Ends
Friday 3rd July after Prize Giving (1.00pm)