
Our curriculum is designed to prepare children for the next phases of their lives and to ensure that all our boys and girls are well-prepared for entrance into their next school, either through Common Entrance or Scholarship.

The traditional academic disciplines, including Latin and Greek, are complemented by Music, Drama, Art and Design Technology, and Outdoor Adventure, as well as a varied Sports programme with games every afternoon. ICT skills are an important component of a Cargilfield education and are used to enhance learning, rather than as an end in itself.

Pupils’ progress is monitored from an early age to ensure that potential is fulfilled and any difficulties are identified as early as possible.

This progress is regularly assessed, both formally and informally, and parents are kept up-to-date about levels of effort and attainment through the reporting system and pattern of regular parent-teacher meetings.

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Parents are encouraged to discuss their children’s progress with staff at any time.

Pupils are prepared for entry to a wide range of senior schools across the UK and considerable success is achieved. They gain entry either through the Common Entrance or Scholarship examinations and awards gained may be Academic, Sport, Music, DT, Drama or All Rounder.

To see the schools to which our children head at 13+, please visit

Preparing children for entrance into their next school inevitably includes introducing them to revision skills. Exams and revision can be a daunting prospect for many children and at Cargilfield we take a supportive and proactive approach to ‘learning to learn’.

In the first year of exams (Form 6) Form Teachers and the Support for Learning Staff introduce the practicalities of revision and, although all revision in Form 6 is done at school, the children are encouraged to think about how they might use their time effectively and indeed children often like to revise at home too. Hopefully, the information below will help you to help your child through the revision process.

As they progress through Forms 7 and 8 we build on their initial skills to encourage organised, active and effective revision.

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