Tips on Surviving Remote Learning

Be kind to yourself, as well as others

Some Tips for Surviving Remote Learning

Your child’s happiness and well-being are at the heart of all that Cargilfield has to offer. If your child is struggling in any way at all during remote learning, please do get in touch straight away; a strong partnership between pupils, parents and teachers has never been more important than at present. 

Your child’s Form Tutor will be the first port of call, and the Support for Learning Department staff are always available to offer help and advice. The children have coped well with the first week of remote lessons but we are all very aware that learning from home is not without its challenges. The advice below may be of some use.

1) Having a dedicated work area (where this is possible, of course) will help your child to remain focused during lessons and to keep their learning resources organised. It will also allow for a separation between work and leisure time.

2) Keeping connected to the Cargilfield community and school routines each day is vital. Watching the daily Chapel services and taking part in the extra-curricular challenges will help your child to continue to feel part of the community. Contact with friends and classmates, both within and outside lessons, will keep their spirits up.

3) Timetables have been configured to allow a two-hour break in the middle of each day. This allows children to take advantage of daylight hours so do encourage them to spend time outdoors getting some fresh air and exercise. It also allows them to take a proper break from their screens and perhaps to eat at the same time as other members of the family.

4) Please do bear in mind that every household and every learner is different; what is achievable for one family may be unrealistic for another and staff are very sympathetic to this.

    The three most important school rules at Cargilfield are: be kind; be kind; be kind. Perhaps during remote learning, we should also add the words: to ourselves.

    Good luck with the challenges that lie ahead and be positive about the new skills and resilience you are learning.

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