P2 celebrate Easter

P2 celebrate Easter

A message of hope for the future

Whilst we all delight in the joy of receiving Easter eggs, rolling eggs down hills and colouring pictures of lambs, chicks, and bunnies we realised a lot of these traditions are linked to the Easter Story.  We watched an animated version of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and Judas’ betrayal of Jesus with the thirty pieces of silver. We incorporated some artwork here and painted some palm leaves and did some rubbing of coins. We read about Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, and afterwards spent time washing each other’s feet too. In this time of uncertainty, we talked about the importance of caring for each other, and showing kindness. We went onto celebrate the Last Supper sharing bread and ‘wine’ together and talked about God’s love for us even when we do things that we shouldn’t, and his forgiveness. We created a colourful cockerel to remind us of Peter’s denial and a crown of thorns to remember Jesus’ death on the cross.  We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus, and made a chick representing the ‘egg’ that was rolled away from the tomb entrance. Throughout the week the children have retold the Easter story as it has unfolded, and it is wonderful to see them remember so much detail and to retell so accurately a story so important to Christians

P2S Judas' betrayal

P2S washing feet

P2S Easter chicks

P2Q denial

P2Q  crown of thorns

P2S the cross

P2S palm leaves

Last supper P2S

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